WC stage International tournament in prizes of A.Aslakhanov

December 19 2013

On December, 20-21 the World Cup stage International tournament in prizes of Aslambek Aslakhanov will held in the Moscow Palace of Sports named by Ivan Yarygin.

Sportsmen from 14 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Greece, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Tadjikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) will take part in the competitions.

Preliminary bouts will start at 10 a.m. (local time) on 20th and 21th of December. Opening ceremony and final bouts will held on Friday, 20th of December at 6 p.m. Gold medal matches and super-finals will start at 5 p.m. on Saturday, 21th of Decemder.

December 19—22, 2013 World Cup stage, International tournament "A" category in prizes of A.Aslakhanov, sport sambo (M&W) Men, Women  Russia, Moscow