Invitation to the 3 rd Belgian Sambo Open

May 04 2017

The BASFAD has the pleasure to invite you to the 3 rd Belgian Sambo and combat Sambo Open.

The goal of this tournament is to develop Sambo in Belgium and Europe.

Where and when?

Gym: Hall des Sports de la Ville de Tournai, Avenue De Gaulle 2, 7500 Tournai (90 km from Brussels), Belgium.

Date: 10th June 2017.

Athletes willing to take part in the competition should be registered by their national federation and by the FIAS.

Athletes should also bring their own equipment as described in official rules. The completed participation forms should be sent to: before 15th May 2017.

The participation fee is 15€/athlete (Non-EU delegations should contact the BASFAD before paying the fee). The fee should be paid on the bank account IBAN BE92 6528 4669 7423.

Weight and age categories :

Sambo :

’2000-older Men −62, −68, −74, −82, −90, +90 kg

Women −56, −60, −64, −68, −72, +72 kg

Veterans Men −74, −82, −90, +90 kg (from 35 years of age)

Sambo Combat :

’99-older Men −62, −68, −74, −82, −90, +90 kg


10th June

9 am Beginning of the matches ( both sport and combat sambo)

18 pm Finals

Regulations (DOCX, 637.0 KБ)