The “Interanationaler Hansepokal im SAMBO” has been held in Lunenburg on June 9, 2018.
22 teams took part in the competitions from Holland, The Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Uzbekistan, Russia, Romania and Germany.
All spectators enjoyed a hair play, magnificent throws and a great will to win of sambo athletes!
The tournament got together all age groups from boys and girls 5 years old to masters.There were a lot of achievements at the tournament.
A special prize was awarded a Lithuanian girl from orphanage home, Roberta Kondratejte. She does her trainings two times a week 70 km away. It is a real love to SAMBO!
Medal table:
1.SAMBO COMBAT GRYPHON e.V. Berlin (Germany).
2.vfl e.V Lunenburg (Germany).
3. National team of Lithuania.
Thanks a lot to the Organizers of the tournament! A special thanks to Oleg Dergatch, central figure of the organizing committee and sambo developer in Germany!