ESF invites to a new series of anti-doping seminars

April 24 2024

ФИАС приглашает самбистов на новую серию вебинаров ITA

European sambo Federation invites sambists and other community members to participate in the new webinar series, which will be hosted by the International Testing Agency (ITA) in May and June.

In 2022, FIAS started collaborating with the International Testing Agency (ITA). Since then, ITA has managed all testing for FIAS, including in-competition and out-of-competition doping controls and Anti-Doping education and, in 2023, gained access to the first International Federation’s educational series. ITA’s clean sports activities align strictly with the World Anti-Doping Code and International Standards.

All members of the SAMBO community need to comprehend the Anti-Doping system and the rules relevant to their groups. Athletes must adhere to the principle of strict liability, which holds them accountable for any substances found in their systems. However, Anti-Doping rules also apply to other team members. Among 11 Anti-Doping rules validation (ADRVs), all apply to athletes, but two apply to athlete support personnel, and five apply to athlete support personnel and other persons.

We strongly recommend that all SAMBO community members attend each webinar to evaluate their knowledge, stay updated on the latest changes, and receive a certificate upon completing all five sessions of the webinar series.


The schedule of the sessions

1. Introduction to Anti-Doping

Overview of the system, rights and responsibilities, ADRVs

Wednesday 22 May, 14:00-15:00 CET

2. The Doping Control Process

Includes testing procedures (urine and blood) and ABP

Wednesday 29 May, 14:00-15:00 CET

3. Medications, Supplements, Prohibited List and TUEs

Includes the Principle of Strict Liability

Wednesday 5 June, 14:00-15:00 CET

4. Values, Consequences, and Reporting Includes decision-making and athlete testimonials

Wednesday 12 June 14:00-15:00 CET

5. Out-of-Competition Testing Includes requirements of RTP/TP, whereabouts, use of ADAMS

Wednesday 19 June, 14:00-15:00 CET

The webinars will be delivered in English with simultaneous translation to five additional languages as part of this mini-series — Arabic (العربي), Spanish (español), French (français), Russian (русский), and Mandarin Chinese (普通话).