September 07—09, 2012
Russia, Moscow

Invitation (JPG, 1003.2 KB)
In news
September 08 2012
Russian team won the Cup of the President of RF for the 6th time
Russian and Belarussian teams will fight for the Cup of the President of RF
September 07 2012
September 05 2012
Watch best sambo wrestlers of the Cup of the President of RF on SAMBO.TV
September 03 2012
Moldovian national team on the Cup of the President of Russian Federation
August 31 2012
Belarusian and Korean national teams on the Cup of the President of RF
August 30 2012
Armenian team substitutes Venezuela on Cup of the President of RF
August 29 2012
Ukrainian national team on the Cup of the President of Russian Federation
August 20 2012
Russian national team on the Cup of the President of Russian Federation
June 26 2012
Invitation to the Team Cup of the President of Russian Federation